

It is the diagnostic test that allows the study of blood perfusion defects inside the eye through the application of an intravenous contrast medium (fluorescein) that draws in detail the retinal and choroidal circulation of the posterior pole of the eye, essential in diagnosis and management. of vascular diseases.

It is a safe procedure that requires pupillary dilation, lasting approximately one hour and for which there are no restrictions in terms of diet and medications before or after the exam, but which requires an assessment and preparation by the internist if the patient suffers from any of the following diseases:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • Allergies to contrast media
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Patients with uncontrolled cardiovascular diseases
  • Kidney dialysis with low creatinine.

Get your diagnostic tests in our clinic, you will be in the best hands. 

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