Cirugía Refractiva
Intelligent Refractive Surgery
Presentamos nuestro Centro Inteligente de Cirugía Refractiva que se adapta a tus necesidades para brindarte un tratamiento completamente personalizado.

Refractive surgery corrects visual defects that cause alterations in the eye's optical system and that prevent images from focusing correctly on the retina, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.

Contamos con la tecnología más avanzada y precisa del mercado el láser Femtosegundo Z8 y el Amaris 750S para que te despidas de tus gafas de forma definitiva, sin cortes ni cuchillas, de manera rápida y 100% láser con el cuidado delicado que tus ojos necesitan.
Innovamos para ofrecerte un servicio de alta calidad, exclusivo y el más preciso en toda la región, llevamos la cirugía refractiva un paso más adelante, para que veas la vida de la mejor forma.

Potential Candidates
- Patient between 18 to 55 years..
- Diopters less than or equal to 6.
- Stable refractive error (not progressing rapidly), with no other serious eye or systemic disease associated with your refractive problem.
- That you are not pregnant or lactating (Women).

If the patient wears Soft Contact Lenses, they must be removed 15 days before performing the pre-surgical tests and if they wear Hard Contact Lenses, remove them for at least 20 days. If you are wearing glasses, they can be used normally.
Solicita tu cita para una Cirugía Refractiva
Llena los datos del formulario para contactarte para realizar tu cirugía refractiva:

We correct refractive defects with our different techniques for refractive surgery:
1. FEMTO second laser, 100% laser:
100% laser refractive surgery with Femtosecond. It is an outpatient procedure that requires only topical anesthesia with drops and generally does not imply any disability for the patient.

2. Personalized surgery with Excimer Laser:
The Excimer Laser is a beam of Ultraviolet light (cold light) which is applied with great precision on the cornea, guided by a computer, in order to change the shape of its surface. There are several techniques to apply the Excimer Laser and the decision of which one to use depends on the characteristics of each patient:
LASIK: A lamellar (superficial) cut is made in the cornea in order to allow the application of the laser.
PRK OR TRANS PRK: No cut is made, the epithelium of the cornea is removed manually, or with the laser.

The Refractive Surgery Unit unit has all the scientific and technological advances to offer each patient the most appropriate procedure for their case.
What is a refractive difect?

People who suffer from Myopia see near objects clearly, while vision at a greater distance becomes blurred.

People with this defect see objects at a greater distance more clearly than those that are closer.

People with this defect suffer from fatigue when reading and can see poorly up close.

It is difficult to see small objects clearly at a distance of 40 cm. The loss of natural focus can be compensated by the use of glasses, contact lenses or surgery.
We have a group of expert ophthalmologists in surgical techniques with more than 85,000 successful procedures that provide confidence in the results.
Our Specialists
Our medical specialists and subspecialists have the knowledge, handling techniques, human warmth, and experience to provide you with solutions.
Diagnostic aids and laser
We have the technologies and equipment to perform all kinds of tests with reliable and accurate diagnoses of your visual status.
Personalized attention
Quote with us to provide you with personalized service. We will guide you and solve any doubts you might have. Feel safe and confident with our high-quality services.