Eye Plastic Surgery

Subspecialty of ophthalmology that manages the periocular area for functional, reconstructive and aesthetic procedures. Within the functional area we have the corrections of the drooping of the eyelid, the channeling of the tear duct for the treatment of chronic tearing. Within reconstructive surgery, surgery for malignant lesions of the eyelid margin that require reconstruction with grafts, skin slides and stiffening. Within the aesthetic function, the eyelid surgery known as blepharoplasty for the rejuvenation of the look, and the frontoplasty for the elevation of the eyebrows.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure whose purpose is to remove excess skin and muscle from the eyelids, both upper and lower, as well as fat bags. This surgery is done for cosmetic reasons.
Blepharoplasty can be performed together with other facial rejuvenation procedures (endoscopic brow lift, rhytidectomy facelift, laser skin resurfacing treatment, etc.).

Cirugía de Frente (Frontoplastia)
It is a surgical procedure also known as "lifting" or forehead stretching, to correct the fall of the eyebrows and the dynamic wrinkles of the forehead (expression lines), which can be horizontal or vertical; signs of aging that produce an appearance of tiredness, sadness or moodiness.
Frontoplasty improves and restores the fresh and youthful appearance. The type of anesthesia used for surgery is local plus sedation or general anesthesia.
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Know the most performed procedures:
Frontoplasty: Types of facelifts
Classic forehead lift:

In the classic brow lift, the surgeon makes an incision similar to an earphone. The surgeon lifts the skin of the forehead removing any excess tissue and fat, realigning the muscles if necessary. During the procedure, the eyebrows may also be repositioned to a higher level and all excess skin is trimmed away.
Endoscopic forehead lift:

En el estiramiento endoscopio de la frente, el cirujano realiza de tres a cinco incisiones cortas, de menos de una pulgada de longitud, en el cuero cabelludo. Posteriormente, se introduce un endoscopio a través de una de las incisiones, permitiéndole al cirujano ver los músculos y los tejidos debajo. En una incisión diferente, el cirujano introduce otro instrumento que estira la piel de la frente.
The Plastic and Aesthetic Facial Surgery Unit performs reconstruction procedures as well as aesthetic interventions in the facial area.
Our Specialists
Our medical specialists and subspecialists have the knowledge, handling techniques, human warmth, and experience to provide you with solutions.
Diagnostic aids and laser
We have the technologies and equipment to perform all kinds of tests with reliable and accurate diagnoses of your visual status.
Personalized attention
Quote with us to provide you with personalized service. We will guide you and solve any doubts you might have. Feel safe and confident with our high-quality services.