Rights and duties of patients
Free choice of doctor
Freely choose the doctor and health professionals in general, as well as the health institutions that provide the required care, within the available resources of the country.
Full and clear communication with the health team
Enjoy full and clear communication with the doctor and all the staff, appropriate to their cultural psychological conditions, which allows them to obtain all the necessary information regarding the disease they suffer from, as well as the procedures and treatments that are going to be performed and the prognosis and risks that said treatment. Also his right that he, his relatives or representatives, in case of unconsciousness or minority, consent or reject these procedures, leaving an express record, hopefully in writing, of his decision.
Decent and respectful treatment
Receive a dignified treatment respecting their beliefs and customs, as well as the personal opinions they have about the disease they suffer from.
Confidentiality of medical records
That all the reports of the clinical history are treated in a confidential and reserved manner that can only be known with your authorization.
Receive safe and quality medical care during the disease process
That the best available medical assistance be provided throughout the disease process, respecting the wishes of the patient in the event of irreversible disease.
Know and review the costs of the service obtained
Review and receive explanations about the costs for the services obtained, by the institution's staff.
That their beliefs and customs are respected
Receive or refuse spiritual or moral support, whatever the religious cult they profess.
Approve or refuse to participate in research
That their willingness to participate or not in research carried out by scientifically qualified personnel be respected, as long as they have learned about the objectives, methods, possible benefits, foreseeable risks and inconveniences that the investigated process may involve.
Accept or refuse organ donation
That the willingness to accept to refuse organ donation be respected.
Die with dignity
To die with dignity and to respect their will to allow the death process to follow its natural course in the terminal phase of their illness.
Receive pain management, with adequate evaluation and treatment
Receive timely care in pain management.
Be cared for in a safe, clean environment with visual and auditory privacy
As part of the humanization program, be cared for in a suitable space, in safe, clean and private conditions.
Comply with surveillance and security standards and policies upon entering the institution
Comply with the surveillance and security standards set forth in Resolution 741 of 1997, Art. 3, by which:
- For the entry of children under 7 years old, it must be presented and registered with an identity document at the reception.
- The entry of weapons and animals is prohibited, it is excluded in the case of a guide dog or guide dog due to visual impairment for accompaniment in common areas.
- Smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages and psychoactive substances is prohibited in the clinic facilities.
- It is forbidden to circulate in the areas marked with "Authorized Personnel Only".
Attend the assigned appointment time
Comply punctually to the assigned appointments and when for some reason it is not possible to attend, inform in advance of its cancellation or request its rescheduling.
Submit documents required for care
Present an identification document and card that accredits you as a beneficiary of the Health Entity to which you are affiliated. In the cases in which it is required, present the authorization issued by the corresponding Health Entity with a valid date at the time of accessing the provision of services.
Respect all staff providing care
Treat with dignity, respect and courtesy the human personnel that provides care.
Give complete and truthful information about your health status
Provide the medical team and diagnostic support services with complete truthful and detailed information on symptoms, past illnesses, hospitalizations, previous surgeries, medications, vitamins or dietary supplements you take, allergies or adverse reactions to any medication or product and in general all those important aspects related to the patient's health status.
Comply with ordered medical treatment
Comply with the treatment ordered by the medical team in relation to medication prescriptions, diets, instructions for home care and periodic check-ups.
Sign consent or denial of treatment
Sign the informed consent or refuse when procedures and surgeries are performed, after an explanation from the treating physician.
Appear with a companion during care
In case of any disability, being a minor, being scheduled for surgery or a diagnostic test, present yourself with a family member or companion, provide the correct information about the address, telephone number and complete data of the same.
Pay for the care received
Comply with the financial obligations corresponding to the provision of services received by the clinic.
Properly use the facilities and take care of the available resources
Take care of the facilities where you receive health services, as well as comply with the rules, regulations and protocols established by the clinic.
Ensure self-care, family and community care, be responsible for their belongings and contribute to caring for the environment
Comply with medical recommendations that promote a healthy lifestyle and self-care. Take care of your belongings. Act in solidarity in situations that endanger the life or health of people. Have a responsible behavior with the environment.
Attend to the information delivered throughout the service cycle
Comply responsibly with the recommendations of the health professionals who care for you, before, during and after the treatment offered. Ask questions when you do not understand or require expansion of the information provided.
Customize experience
Specialized in visual health
Highly qualify doctors
Humanized service
Agreements and Alliances
Get extensive benefits
Prepaid Medicine Services:

Official Entities: