Retina and vitreous in optimal state
The Retina es la capa más interna del glóbulo ocular y su función es transformar la luz en impulsos nerviosos que viajan al cerebro a través del nervio óptico.
The vitreous o humor vítreo, es un líquido gelatinoso (transparente en condiciones normales) que llena el interior del glóbulo ocular entre la retina y la cara posterior del cristalino.
The uvea o túnica vascular, es la capa media del ojo y se encuentra debajo de la parte blanca de este (la esclerótica). Está conformada por el iris, el cuerpo ciliar y la coroides, esta es la parte del ojo con más vasos, por eso es más sensible a infecciones e inflamaciones.
We take care of your vision

Types of retinal and vitreous diseases
The most common causes of retinal lesions are diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure when they are not controlled. It is one of the ocular traumas that require immediate attention, especially affecting people over 65 years of age. Know the Know the most common visual diseases related to the retina::
It is the separation of the nine layers of the retina from their bed in the pigment epithelium and the choroid. It is a serious eye problem that can occur at any age, although it usually occurs in middle and late life. It tends to occur more frequently in myopic people or in those with family members who have had DR. A contusion to the eye can also cause a DR. DR is rarely an inherited disease and can occur even in children. If left untreated, DR can lead to deterioration and even complete loss of vision.
Diabetes is a disease characterized by a failure in the function of insulin, which is necessary for the proper nutrition of body tissues. The concentration of sugar rises in the body producing a series of irreparable damage. In the retina, the small capillaries that are responsible for nourishing it are affected, they become occluded and retinal oxygenation decreases, leading to cell death and loss of function, which translates into progressive and irreversible visual loss. Occluded vessels can also rupture abruptly, and blood can disperse within the eye, into the vitreous, causing sudden and severe decrease in vision. When this blood contracts, it can pull the retina and detach it, producing the most severe state of diabetic retinopathy.
Hypertensive retinopathy comprises the series of changes that occur in the vasculature, retina and optic nerve, as a result of arterial hypertension, acute or chronic. When making an examination of the fundus of the eye of a patient with arterial hypertension, the changes present are objectively explored In the microcirculation, the fundus examination represents a remarkable opportunity to observe the vascular and tissue alterations of systemic arterial hypertension.
Would you like to visit a Retina, Vitreous and Uveitis specialist??
Techniques and Treatments
Equipos diagnósticos:
- Angiografía Fluoresceínica.
- Tomografia optica computarizada (OCT).
- OCT Angiografia.
- Ecografía B.
- Electrofisiologia ocular.
- Retinografia.
- Autofluoerescencia.
Equipos Terapéuticos / Tratamiento
- Láser.
- Sala de Cirugía Vitreoretinal especializada.
- Equipo de Vitrectomía de última generación – Constellation.
- Equipo de Endoscopia Intraocular – Endo Optics.
- Set de Instrumental Endo-ocular Accesorio.
Customize experience
Specialized in visual health
Highly qualify doctors
Humanized service
Our Specialists
Our medical specialists and subspecialists have the knowledge, handling techniques, human warmth, and experience to provide you with solutions.
Diagnostic aids and laser
We have the technologies and equipment to perform all kinds of tests with reliable and accurate diagnoses of your visual status.
Personalized attention
Quote with us to provide you with personalized service. We will guide you and solve any doubts you might have. Feel safe and confident with our high-quality services.