Specialists from the Cali Ophthalmology Clinic talk about how we can keep one of the most sensitive organs of the human being healthy.

The sense of sight and the state of our eyes is very important, since 50% of the information we receive comes to us through them, and over the years, the eyes have the possibility of suffering from different pathologies due to external components. , but there is a way to detect them in time, indicate specialists from the Cali Ophthalmology Clinic.

The National Institute for the Blind ensures that in Colombia there are 1,948,332 people with visual disabilities and that the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that 80% of alterations are caused by carelessness and bad practices.

In addition, the eye is a complex organ, in fact, "beyond being one of the main organs of the senses, our eyes can be the first place where a systemic disease manifests itself and therefore its care is very important".

Dr. María Isabel Corrales, Ophthalmologist, recommends taking into account the care that can be taken in daily life.

Factors such as our environment, diet, sleep habits, stress level or even genetic predisposition can cause eye diseases or discomfort such as: astigmatism, hyperopia, presbyopia, cataract, retinal detachment, glaucoma, myopia, among others.


Your vision is very important

And, although the eye is a vital organ; The retina is one of the most sensitive parts of the ocular system and if it is damaged or diseased, it can cause blindness.

They explain from the Cali Ophthalmology Clinic that the retina is responsible for receiving light to project images and send them as electrical signals to the optic nerve, making it a fundamental part of vision.

Therefore, it is important not only to have an accurate diagnosis, but also to know the different treatments depending on the diagnosis. Some of them are :

  • Intravitreal injections.
  • Vitro-retinal surgery.
  • Retinal detachment surgery.
  • Scleral bands.

Corrales, an expert in eye diagnosis, states that in order to maintain excellent vision it is essential to generate healthy habits that care for and prevent retinal deterioration.



Protect the retina

  1. Maintain a healthy diet and perform physical activity.
  2. Protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays – Wear sunglasses.
  3. Maintain proper hygiene.
  4. Avoid smoking.
  5. Reduce the use of screens.

“But above all, the accompaniment of an ophthalmologist is very important, who can detect conditions that require targeted therapies for each patient in time,” Corrales pointed out.

In fact, during the framework of World Sight Day, the Cali Ophthalmology Clinic highlighted the importance of eye health and regular check-ups, since these can prevent any problem.

"We join the celebration of World Vision Day offering our patients the best care with a group of professionals committed to caring for your visual health," concluded the specialist.


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Note developed by TuBarco: https://tubarco.news/tubarco-noticias-occidente/tubarco-noticias-cali/atencion-con-la-salud-visual-estos-son-los-riesgos-a-los-que-estan-expuestos-los-ojos-segun-especialistas-en-cali/

Replicated in News from Colombia: https://noticiasdecolombia.info/atencion-a-la-salud-visual-estos-son-los-riesgos-a-los-que-se-exponen-los-ojos-segun-los-especialistas-de-cali/